Sunday, May 3, 2009


It was great seeing Grace today. I was able to feed her and just hold her for hours while she slept. She is so precious, it is hard to even understand that her heart isn't working properly.

The weekend cardiologist called today to update me on her. He did not feel comfortable with her saturation levels dropping below 60, so her put her back on oxygen. He also said that she will most likely need the next sugery this week, but since he is only the "weekend guy", he was not going to be the one making the decision and that the week day team will probably be talking about the next steps tomorrow. He briefly discussed the probable next step surgery, which would be just one of many that she will need. It appears that this surgery has to be repeated every so many years to accomodate the growth of the heart. This was difficult for me to hear, because I was hoping that we would correct the problem now and not have to look back, but that appears not to be the case. I am so stressed already with this, I cannot imagine having to stress years from now as well.

Grace is absolutley beautiful. I really wish that she did not have to go through all of this now, or ever. I just pray that we will make it through this.


  1. Oh Alexis, you will make all make it through this. Children are amazing. Not only that, but what the medical field can do is amazing. You need to trust that you and Grace are in good hands.

  2. Hey Alexis,
    I am saying lots of prayers for you. If you need some inspirational thoughts or words from another family that has gone through heart issues with their daughter check out my friends blog.
    This will take you to one of her posts and you can look around. I don't think the girls have the same heart issue...but she is very insightful. I am sure that you could write to hear as well and ask her anything. Karin is a wonderful person.

    We are thinking of you and sending you lots of hugs and prayers and good thoughts. Hang in there. You are doing great! Glad you got to spend the day with her!

  3. Dear Alexis, Keith, Gavin and especially beautiful baby Grace-She is SO gorgeous! You can and you will make it through this. You are so much stronger than you think! With so many prayers and thoughts of strength and hope behind you, and with Gavin and Grace to reflect your love back to you, you can do anything. Take it one hour at a time. You're doing an amazing, loving, spectacular job. Love, Mary Lynn

  4. Both you and Keith have lots family and friends that are there for you. Our prayers for Baby Grace bring hope to us all. God bless her and make her heart better.
