Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pre-op appointment

Today was Grace's pre-op appointment. Blood was drawn and the procedure was explained to the best of their ability. It appears the extent of work is not going to be truely known until her chest is opened. It is all very scarey to me. I guess she is going to be hooked up to a heart and lung machine which will function as part of her heart during surgery. It appears this surgery is also not the end all be all, but yet another stepping stone. I guess we will know more after the surgery.


  1. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers this week...especially our little Grace!

  2. Oh wow. My thoughts and prayers are with you... I will be thinking of you and Grace Thursday.

  3. Thoughts and prayers go out to you all daily. Keep Strong.

  4. Hi there, I am Kerry's sister and she has been keeping me posted on what is going on as she has been sending out prayer requests for your beautiful baby girl and your family. Just wanted to let you know that am praying and wishing for the very best for all of you. Chris

  5. Thinking of you and praying for you and baby Grace!

  6. Please let us know how Grace is doing...and make sure you take care of yourself...love to you

  7. Sweet, sweet Mama,

    Our mutual friend Bug connected me to your blog and I have read it from beginning to the present. I pray everything went smoothly for Baby Grace today. I do know the bumpy road you are traveling - my first daughter has undergone 6 open heart surgeries --- all before she turned 3 years old (she is now 7). And my second son has also had one open heart surgery. I read through your posts and had so many past feelings realized yet again. Please know that you are not alone - you are welcome to email me at thejackson6@att(dot)com. Or you can ask Bug to hook us up on Facebook. I don't have any current pics of my Pookie on Facebook, but she is on my blog - 6byHisDesign (you can google it to find the complete address...) I don't know whether there is a support group available where you are, but we have one here in StL with a freqently used listserve if you would be interested in connecting with other moms (and dads) via email who have also traveled this very difficult road. Please contact me ~ we can certainly talk.

    Blessings, Dear Girl. Our babies come out strong, one way or the other --- I don't know what happens first, but they are fighters, nonetheless.

    Many, many blessings to you as you learn to find your own strength, as well,

  8. Hey Alexis,

    I just received a message from Karin. She wanted me to let you know that her email address is (dot)net NOT (dot)com

    Please utilize her strength and knowledge of this if you want. She is an amazing woman and has been where you are! The struggles they now encounter are playground bullies and other normal 7 year old issues! :) There is strength in numbers! She will be a great support system for you!

    Thinking of you my dear! You and Grace are BOTH such amazing fighters! :)

    Thinking of you!
