Tuesday, July 21, 2009


So I have been trying to get a cardiologist appointment but no one calls me back. I really know we need to follow up, but I have called 3x already this week and no one calls back to schedule the appointment. I was really hoping that Grace would be seen so I can get her shots and go to Keith's family picnic with her, but if she does not get her shots, then she won't be able to go. Kinda frustrating. I guess the good thing is that they are obviously not as worried about her as they were before this last surgery...but still.

Grace had a very sleepy day yesterday, but today she is back to her wakeful self. She decided wakey time was at 5 this morning and has pretty much been awake since. She will also be getting a bath today as well!! Baths are not really her favorite thing, but she needs to get cleaned, so sometimes she just has to do things she does not want. I guess that is training for life:)

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